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Nitrate accumulation in potato affected by nitrogen fertilizer

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Asa Rigi Karvandari

Potatoes are not only an important source of energy, but also contain a number of micronutrients, such as vitamin C and some forms of vitamin B, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Depending on dietary habits, potatoes can be the main source of nitrate intake. Namely, vegetables account for 97% of our nitrate intake, of which 32% originates from potato consumption and 29% from lettuce consumption. Nitrogen is an essential element required for successful plant growth. Although inorganic nitrogen compounds account for less than 5% of the total nitrogen in soil they are the main form of the element absorbed by most plants. Inorganic and organic fertilizers are applied to maintain the nutritional condition of different cropping systems. Nitrate per se is relatively non-toxic, however by the action of natural bacterial flora in the buccal cavity approx. 4-7% of the nitrate intake is reduced to more toxic nitrite). In the acidic environment of the stomach, nitrite is converted to nitric acid and other N-nitroso compounds, which may react with secondary amines to form cancerogenic nitrosamines.

Comparison of the main anthropometric and biomechanical indices of elite adult male and female of canoe and kyak paddlers

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Sara Zainali Somedel* and Heydar Sadeghi

Achieving the level of elation in any sport requires having all-round information from the elite of that sport that recognizing and identifying the extent of changes in the various indicators in elite men and women can definitely be a criterion for determining the effectiveness of each of the indicators. On performance of person which can lead to help in the scientific scouting process. The purpose of this study was to compare the main anthropometric and biomechanical indices of elite adult canoe and kyak paddlers in Iran. In this study, 30 athletes (Kyak and Canoe) of the elite adult national team (15 women and 15 men) present at the National Sailing Camp were included as the statistical community of which 10 Kyak sailors and 10 Canoe boats participated as research samples. Anthropometric index variables (weight, height, length and height of organs, body width, body environment, body composition) and biomechanics (static equilibrium, speed and acceleration, leg strength, abdominal muscle strength and endurance, reaction time Fingers, Flexibility), which was analyzed statistically. The obtained data were first analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS) for normal distribution of data. Then, using multiple correlation coefficient and analysis of the main components of information (PCA) to determine the variables of the test and independent t test, The group was analyzed at a significant level of 0.05. Significant differences were observed in all the major indices of anthropometric characteristics between the two men except forearm length. Comparing the main indices of biomechanical variables of elite male and female canoe and kyak paddlers, there was a significant difference between speed and flexibility variables. According to the results of the research, it can be said that having this comprehensive information of the current champions of sailing sport, in addition to a criterion for assessing, comparing and identifying the abnormalities of other sailors, a significant contribution to the development of talent as well as subsequent studies in this medal discipline Will.

Study types of sports injuries: diagnosis and treatment

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Sepideh Ghotnian*, Hoda Azizi and Maryam Ahmadi

Today, sport is one of the things that are being discussed in different titles in the world, and a large group is involved in various forms. Some people are professional athletes and a group of amateur athletes. A group is proud and interested in sports and seeing programs, competitions and sports shows, and some also spend their life doing sports. Sports injuries are caused by intense strokes or excessive stretches during exercise. Sports injuries can cause bones or soft tissues (ligaments, muscles and tendons), or both. Contrary to the notion of people, children and adolescents are much more likely to be injured in sports with quick reactions, inability to detect and avoid risk, and lack of ability to coordinate movements. Based on the annual statistical calculations of every 1000 people, 26 people suffer from sports injuries, half of which are treated with home treatment or without special care, and the other half need medical treatment. The highest rate of these injuries is seen in children ages 5 to 14 and the highest number of injuries in boys aged 12 to 17 years. These injuries are higher in terms of the number of collective exercises, and in terms of severity and severity, in individual exercises. Therefore, before exercising, practicing and quiz, and after exercise, it is necessary to consider the management system in order to lessen the damage. This can depend on the physical, physiological, and mental fitness of individuals. Everyone is responsible for completing his knowledge of the sport in order not only to harm him, but also to use that sport activity for his or her health. In this regard, he should have all the aspects of the aristocracy.

Study of the relationship between the Quality of Sport Services with satisfaction and behavioral tendencies in consumers Sport for all in Tehran City

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Afsaneh Biabani* and Mehdi Seyyedali

The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between the quality of sport services with satisfaction and behavioral tendencies in general sports users in Tehran. The research method is a descriptive correlation study that has been implemented in a field. The statistical population of this study was the total population of 4,250,000 people in Tehran in 2014. According to the Cochran table, 400 subjects were selected as the statistical sample. To collect data, personal characteristics questionnaire, quality of Chinese exercise services (Liu, 2008), Chou's athletes' satisfaction (2003) and behavioral tendencies of Rio et al. (2010) were used. The findings of the research showed that the quality of services affects the satisfaction of sport users. Also, the results of the research showed that the satisfaction of the general sports users affects their behavioral tendencies. There was a positive and significant relationship between perceived value and behavioral tendencies from athletes' point of view. According to the results of the research, it is suggested that coaches and public authorities of Tehran with increasing the quality of services provided will satisfy their consumers and will tend to re-enter them.

Investigating the role of body management in social identification of women in Tehran (Female employees of the municipality of region 21)

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Afsaneh Biabani

Coverage and management of the body are important issues that play an essential role today in the culture of society and even the politics of the state. If people in the "especially women" community can have a comprehensive, realistic and responsible understanding of their social identities, they are less exposed to propaganda claims than mere consumption, and thus, along with thinking about body management as an important aesthetic issue, It will focus on its implications and other dimensions, especially in cases of family consolidation and social cohesion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of body management in social identification of women (female employees of municipality district 21) in Tehran. The method of this study was survey. The statistical population of this study was female municipality employees of district 21 of Tehran (500 people). 200 individuals were selected as samples based on Morgan's table. Data were gathered using a researcher-made social identification and body management questionnaire. Descriptive statistics method was used to summarize and categorize the data. For analyzing the findings, Pearson correlation coefficient was used using spss21 software at the significance level of 0.05. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between type of body management and gender characteristics (r = 0.410, p <0.04), body management type and cultural attitude (p <0.05, r = 0.112), Type of body and family management (p <0.05, r = 0.273), And type of body management and rule of law (p <0.05 and r = 0.347) have a positive correlation. However, there was a negative correlation between body type and religious practices (p <0.05 and r = -181).